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Skyscraper of Abundance

Skyscraper of Abundance


This hypnosis is the antidote to feeling lack and limitation, removing blocks and beliefs collected around money, finances and abundance.  Let go of ideas that keep you playing small, and realise your true inner value.  Ideas like, 'Money is Root of all Evil', and that to be wealthy is greedy or selfish, have been collected and conditioned into our psyche for many generations.  

It's time to collect the treasures that are rightfully yours, and open your world to the abundance that is generated from within YOU.

A component of the this script was adapted from the Clinician's  Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors, Edited by D. Corydon Hammond, Ph. D.

Confidence Building, The Pyramid, H. E. Stanton, Ph. D.

Please listen at least once daily.  Upon waking or before sleeping is generally best, as we are close to or easily access the theta trance state at these times.  You may listen multiple times a day.  After listening consciously to the track at least 5 times, you may then turn the track down in the background - just loud enough for you to hear and tune in if you need to, but you don't have to.  This is an extremely effective way of 'netting' time if you are time pressured.  


CAUTION - DO NOT listen to this track when you are required to concentrate on tasks, and be present in any activity.  Do not drive a car, operate heavy machinery, or engage in any other tasks that require you to be alert.


These tracks are prescription hypno-meditations, and you will be able to access trance readily and easily the more you listen.  


Optimal listening is 90 times (daily for 3 months), and can be ongoing after that if required, or sporadic as deemed necessary.  Brain re-wiring may be observed via EEG after as little as 15 listens.


Disclaimer:  While every precaution has been made to ensure absolute safety via the use of these tracks, they are in no way a substitute for medical advice from health professionals, and the listener assumes all responsibility and risk.

If you are currently experiencing mental health concerns, or have diagnosed psychosis, schizophrenia, PTSD or other mental health disorders, please consult your medical professional before listening.  This track is suitable for people experiencing anxiety or depression, or those simply wanting to experience an inspired and expanded state of wellness and confidence.

    ©2021 by beliefit®

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